Writing the Self : a Thematic Study of Dalit Autobiographies

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Siva Nagiah Bolleddu

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This book Writing the Self: A Thematic Study of Dalit Autobiographies is the research of the author. Being thematic in nature, the book is divided into five chapters. The main objective of the book is to bring out the common issues in the select Dalit personal narratives. Instead of going for a mere textual analysis, the author did an in-depth analysis of each autobiography taking the thematic issues into consideration. The text deal s wi th the l i fe aspects of Dalit communities. Dalit Autobiography among the other literary forms remains a successful genre in representing the issues of Dalit culture and movements in Dalit idiom. It is through Dalit Autobiographies, the writers express their sufferings, sorrows and victimisation due to the oppressive culture of caste Hindus. Through their memories, the Dalits reconstruct their broken and long silenced history and demonstrate their rights and identity duly reconstituting themselves with the rest of Dalit communities.


Dr. Siva Nagaiah Bolleddu holds a dual P.G., M.Phil and Ph.D in English. He is presently teaching at V I T University, Vellore. Prior to joining V I T, he worked in the Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvaru and offered courses on Grammar and Communication Skills, Dalit Literature and Interdisciplinary Philosophy. He has been conferred with the Best Teacher and the Teacher of Excellence awards by Vignan's Lara Institute of Technology and Sciences, Vadlamudi. Besides publishing 18 research papers and presenting 55 papers to his credit, he has attended many faculty development programmes and workshops on varied themes of language, literature, theory and culture studies, academic writing, teaching management, personality development and soft skills. He organised a national seminar and a couple of workshops. He edits the Scholar Critic international journal.


Acknowledgements 7 Preface 9 1. Contextualising Autobiography: Writing for the Community 17 2. Denial of Education: Subverting the Monopoly 37 3. Experiencing Discrimination: Dalit Livid Lives 73 4. Writing Dalit Gender: Dalit Among Dalits 103 5. Construction of Dalit Identity: Assertion of the Self 125 6. Conclusion 153 Bibliography 159 Index 185

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